17th August 2020
I hope you are all enjoying the respite from the hot weather we've been enduring recently. It's certainly made working in the shop far more pleasurable.
I'm keeping this brief today as I want to hit 'send' asap to give you maximum time to place pre-orders before this week's (early) deadline.
We are starting to wind down a bit this week ahead of being closed next week. We will be in the shop honouring some wholesale bread orders and have decided that we will do one final bake for customers on Thursday for pre-orders only. This will be the only day to get MMB bread between now and 3rd September. In order to honour as many orders as possible we ask that you get your orders in by 5pm on TUESDAY please.
The following loaves will be available to order:
Walden Whites
Tinned Whites
Heritage Grain & Malted Wheat Flake Tins
Rugbrød (max. 15 available)
Cinnamon Babka (max. 14 available)
Chocolate Babka (max. 7 available)
Please email info@minimiss.co.uk confirming what you'd like to order. It will then be available to collect on Thursday between 11am and 3pm.
And then that'll be it until September. It's hard to believe it's nearly September already and that in theory, with schools opening, life might start to get back to some form of normality. I'm certainly looking forward to having a bit more time to progress some of the ideas I had for the business that had to be put on hold all the way back in March. Someone even mentioned the festive 'C' word the other day which terrified the bejesus out of me. I mean I'm all for a bit of 'ho ho ho' and 'fa la las' but not in August/September when it feels like we've been in a vacuum since March. TOO SOON. Let's just take one day at a time shall we?
SO, pre-orders only this week for collection on Thursday. Deadline to place orders is 5pm on Tuesday. Rugbrød and Babkas are limited in numbers so will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. And then that's it until September. Blimey...
Have a good week!
Megan x